SSC Training

MTCC offers a comprehensive System Status Controller (SSC) training program, to equip front line staff with the tools and skills to competently manage requests for EMS resources. The MTCC uses dispatch-specific programs and systems to perform the different calltaking and dispatching functions. MTCC’s training focuses on the necessary skills to accurately dispatch EMS resources across the province and to work with allied emergency service agencies, such as fire and police, when needed.

In addition to the didactic component of the training program, SSC trainees will complete a work practicum, to enable the SSC trainees to apply their skills in a mentor-supported environment. Through routine quality assurance, trainees will receive feedback on their performance; to further help them grow as an SSC.

MTCC offers paid training to SSC trainees.

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MTCC logo Medical Transportation Coordination Centre
N800—150 McTavish Avenue East
Brandon, MBR7A 2B3
Map (204) 571-8860

This page last updated: January 5, 2016